Permission granted for non-commercial use. For commercial uses, contact Geoff Alexander,
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Homage à François Couperin (1978) 2m, dir. Philip Stapp. Also known as "Butterflies". A three-minute fantasy of butterflies and dragonflies cavorting amongst the pussywillows, Japanese-inspired animation accompanied by two variations on keyboard works by the Baroque composer. Uses a pointillist technique to provide a stroboscopic illusion where recognizable shapes become fluid abstractions, and where time is stretched to reveal the main patterns of the choreography. Exhibits a visual haiku wherein an invisible air current stirs the leaves of grass and blows back the butterflies. For more on director Philip Stapp, visit
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August 14, 2014 (edited)
I had recently seen Stapp's SYMMETRY elsewhere, and though a big fan of AFANA, had not noticed the Stapp page there until tonight. Nor the films uploaded
here. Kudos, once again, Geoff, for your impeccable taste in resurrecting perfect gems of films from nearly-forgotten artists.
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December 5, 2009 Subject:
Just lovely!!
A really charming piece. Worth watching.
October 11, 2007 Subject:
only a test
This is a wonderful animation, where butterflies are dancing to Baroque Music. I could watch and listen to this over and over again, and will! Thanks
for the new collection "Academic Film Archive of North America", where many interesting and rare films are made available for an international audience.